Thursday, 27 August 2015

AWE Day 3

Today in AWE we leant how to use improved objects to save a life. 

I wonder what objects would help someone stay afloat?

We also learnt how to safely tow someone using a rope.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Te Reo - Pepeha

Easy Blog Photo

Why Learn Te Reo?

Easy Blog Photo
On Monday the class discussed why we learn Te Reo. These were our ideas. We then discussed what a Pepeha is. Have a chat with your child about this. We also discussed how Maori place names in New Zealand often have a special meaning. This was compared to many English names that were often just named by the settlers after places back in England. We learnt that Taranaki means "shining peak." As Mr A hails from North Harbour, his mountain is Rangitoto...this means "blood sky", the way the sky looked when Rangitoto formed.

Geometry Learning

Today we began some more learning in the area of Geometry. We revisited the learning from last term to help remind ourselves of all the knowledge we had.

Here are the learning goals from Term 2 we worked on:

Draw nets for simple 3D shapes and make models using the nets.
Measure angles using a protractor.
Read and identify: right angles, horizontal lines, vertical lines, parallel lines.
Define 2D and 3D shapes by their features: 

Vertices (Vertex)


Here is a padlet of our prior learning and knowledge:

Here are the new learning goals we will be working on this week:
Draw cube models using isometric dot paper and make a cube model from a dot paper drawing.
Interpret plan views of a model made from cubes and make a model from someone else’s plan views.

We will keep you posted with examples of our learning throughout the unit on both this blog and each individual student's blog.

AWE Water Safety Day 1

This morning we went to our first AWE session. AWE stands for Advanced Water Education. Here is a Padlet telling what each of us learnt, improved on or thought (please ask us a question if you don't understand something that is written):

Ethan and Ari W.I.T

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Len Lye Centre visit

Visit to Len Lye Centre

Hi everyone

I forget to mention in our weekly update that Rooms 10/11 are visiting the Len Lye Centre on Friday morning. We are travelling by bus with the money for this coming out of the Activity fee. We will be at the Art gallery from 10 - 11.30 am.

We are looking forward to this exciting visit. We will work with the Art gallery the educators there.


Sunday, 2 August 2015

Gaming and Book Reviews

This week we have been learning how to write reviews of books or games. As a result we were keen to make a website for each to share our writing. Here are he websites, we hope you find them useful:


Gaming Central:

Enjoy our writing.

Gaming Review - Terraria by Ethan

Image result for Terraria
Name of the game:Terraria
Your name:Ethan

Platform: IOS,PC,Xbox 360,Ps3 Ps4 Ps vita
Multiplayer:       Yes             No

Difficulty rating of the game:Mediums

cost of game:12$ on pc,5$on ios,20$ on xbox 360,on ps3 24$,24$ on ps4,24$ on ps vita

Genre: Action,Adventure,Fantasy
Age level game would appeal to: 8+

Details (Aim, Setting Characters):Terraria is a fun 2d game and you can do what you want but if you want better stuff you need to kill bosses. you start off with cooper tools and so you don’t need to make tolls.

Rating from 1-10 (10 is the highest score) and a comment about:

Smoothness 9 Because the speed and the movement of the camera is really good

Story: 1 Terraria does not have a story

Graphics: 8 Terraria has pixel graphics.Pixel graphics are good if you like pixel graphics.

Multiplayer: 7 Terraria is multiplayer because you can join other people's worlds but it can lag and it is really annoying.

How would you rate this game overall: 10 Because it is a amazing game when you get used to it


Would you recommend this game? Yes because you get to do what you want and it is a never ending game.

Gaming Review - Minecraft

Video Game

Name of the game: Minecraft
Your name: Riley, Will

Platform:  Xbox, PC, Tablets, Ipads, Ps3
Multiplayer:       Yes ⚪            No ⚪

Age level game would appeal to: 5 to 40

Details (Aim, Setting Characters):
Minecraft is a fun crafting game with only using your imagination, building anything you can think of. Welcome to the world of blocks everything in the Minecraft world is made completely out of blocks, including yourself. You can also be joined up in multiplayer and play with other people and building with them. There are different types of game modes;there is creative and survival. Creative is a free building mode that lets you build anything. Survival is a mode where you have to survive by also crafting things and hide from mobs which are called, Creepers, zombies, spiders, skeletons, enderman etc, so watch out, and you have to build shelter, craft things using material that you find.

Rating from 1-10 (10 is the highest score) and a comment about:

Smoothness 8, Minecraft has really good graphics it may glitch, but it depends what platform you are playing on.

Story 8, There are different kinds of versions that a guy named Notch had created. They were selling out fast of minecraft in the early years that  Notch had made. It was one of the best games around where he lives. There is lots of a story about minecraft and how it was created. It is such a great game.

Graphics 7, The graphics are really good, although sometimes can't see in the dark properly when it turns night time and can't see straight ahead as far.

Multiplayer 10, It is the best it is not fun without people in your world and testing your traps, or help build something, it is the biggest thing people love in minecraft.

How would you rate this game overall:
4 and a half stars

Would you recommend this game? yes we would recommend this game why because it is not creepy it will not scare people and it is also appropriate for little kids.Why or why not?

Book Reviews

Ella West is an author for 11 - 15 year old readers. Her books are sophisticated and mysterious. Ella West wrote Night Vision about a girl named Viola that has a disease known as XP. Some people described her condition as “ The Moon Child”.  Viola’s life was lived at night. Her parents got her a pair of expensive night vision goggles to go outside and see at night. One night Viola witnessed a death and could never give out what she saw that night. It was her deepest secret.

I rate Night Vision 9/10. If you are planning on reading this book I recommend to read a page and see if you like it. I would suggest this book is for a sophisticated reader. It is an easy book to visualise. Night Vision for my opinion is for 10-11 year olds and over. I really liked this book and I hope you do too. By Eliala

Morris Gleitzman

This book is about a young boy named Felix who has in the past 2 books have gone through many dreadful deaths of
close friends and family members. In
this book you will feel like you are Felix
and go through what he is going through. You will definitely get lost in this book and it will be hard to put down.

In the last 2 books Felix has escaped an orphanage because Felix saw Nazis burning books. Felix loves books so he was disgusted that any human being would burn innocent books. From there on it's all about Felix's adventure on finding his parents. You might be a little confused about Felix escaping from an orphanage to find his parents but if you read the book it will tell you what's going on.

On the way to finding his parents Felix found a little girl named Zelda who has no parents anymore because the Nazis  burnt down her house and burnt her parents. Zelda is one of my favourite characters because she is very strong in what she believes in and she is very smart for a 6 year old. Zelder is very brave and has a lot of courage. This made me think about my character and what I am. My other favourite characters are a girl named Yuli and Barney as well as Felix. They all have a meaning in the story and have a very good charter to play.

The plot is that the Nazis leader Adof Hitler is going around telling Nto Nazis kill innocent people and burn books. After Felix realises what is going on and what Adolf Hitler is doing he joins forces with a special group called The Special Society.               

If you are planning to read this book I would suggest reading Once first then read Then. This book would probably be suitable for sophisticated readers (11 above.) I really liked one particular saying that one of the characters Barney said “Everybody deserves to have something good in their life once.” Then Felix said “

“I have. more than once.”

Book review by Ella

In this book ( Rosie and the secret friend, the fairy bell sisters) the characters are… Clara bell, Lily bell, Rosie bell, Silver bell, and Squeak.(Squeak is the youngest.)

The Author of this book is Margaret McNamara.

This is what happens in the book…
There is a little island called SHEEPSKERRY ISLAND.
But in summer the humans come and stay in the little cottages, so the fairies have to stay in their little fairy houses all summer!

But one day Rosie went to one of the cottages called White Rose Cottage, she wanted to have a look. But she got caught by one of the human children. Rosie  became great friends with the human child (Louisa).The human was on crutches.

Rosie couldn’t tell her sisters about Louisa, so she didn’t know what to do!...
I would rate this book a 10/10 because the book was really adventurous and exciting because Rosie got caught by a human but then she got let go.

My favourite part of the book was when Rosie got caught because it was really scary because she wasn’t allowed to show herself to humans.
(I haven't read the whole book yet but I am nearly done.

Parent Newsletter - Term 3 Week 3