Friday, 29 May 2015

Parent Newsletter Term 2 Week 7

IKAN goals

I did alright in my IKAN test, I could of got more done. But my brain my nervous!
I got 29/40 and i got more than last time but could of got more right.
My goals: Know the number of hundreds in numbers
Know some multiplication (7x 8x 9x 11x 12x)
learn subractions facts (speed)

Friday, 22 May 2015

Inferencing a text by Shanelle


When you inference its when the author doesn't say directly in the text but you piece what you already know with what the clues are in the text. Inferencing is when you use what your already know (e.g what you have done,read or seen before) with what the author has already explained in the text. Another part of Inferencing is predicting (predicting is when you think about whats going to happen next).

(e.g) - The guests went for second helpings,she could infer that they enjoyed their meal.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Cooper's Explain Everything on Fractions

Ari's Explain Everything on Fraction Conversions

Health and P.E. in school

Today we talked a bit more about Health and P.E. and why we have it in schools. This is what it says in the NZ curriculum documents: "For students to learn how to take increasing responsibility for their own well-being and the well-being of others."

We talked about this and discussed what it means. Here are some responses:

 Isabelle says: For people to learn how to take more responsibility for their own health and the health of others.

 Briana and Shanelle say: It's our role to learn to take more and more responsibility for us being well and healthy and to help others that want help from us.

Ethan and Riley say: Want students to learn to take more and more responsibility for their own health and others health.

Abbie says: Taking more and more roles for your own health and others health

Jack says: For students to learn how to take increasing responsibility for their own well-being and the well-being of others.

What do you think it means?

How can you take more and more responsibility for your own health?

How can you help take more and more responsibility for others' health?

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Using the Te Ara Tika pathway in Maths

The Te Ara Tika Pathway helps us to learn anything - anything at all!

In  class we have brainstormed some questions related to learning about fractions. Here are the notes that Tia has made from her learning around the question of "What is a fraction and what do the numbers and symbols mean?" Wonderful learning!!!

And here is the Te Ara Tika pathway that led to that.

Term 2 Assembly Resources

Term 2 Week 5 Newsletter

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Six Sentence Story...

Last week we started looking at how Narratives are written. We began by writing our 6 sentence story. Then we learnt that narratives have a set structure - usually a problem with a solution. Here is the format for writing a 6 sentence story.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Emily's post describing an addition strategy

Borrowing (Stealing) In Maths


You use borrowing by taking ones off of a number to make another number a Tidy Number. For E.G 
57+33=_  you take the 3 from 33 to make it 30. Then you add on the 3 that u took from 33 and add it onto 57 to make it 60. Adding with Tidy Numbers is very easy to do so you add 60+30=90. you do not give the 3 back so basically its stealing.

Borrowing can not be used with subtraction because the answer always end up wrong. For E.G 57-33=_ take 3 away from 33 and add it onto the 57 to make it 60. 60-30= 30. The real answer is 24. 

Borrowing should only be used with numbers that are close to a Tidy Number like the number 49. You need a number over 5 so its close to a tidy number.


Proofreading and Recrafting our Writing

Here is an excellent tool to help us recraft (make our writing better) and proofread (make our writing easier to read) our writing.

(This is taken from 'The Writing Book' by Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey)

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Multiplying Tenths

Here is a video made by Shanelle on how to multiply tenths...there is quite a skill in making videos like this to teach others. Along the way, as good learners, we ask questions to help with thinking. One of the questions we posed was "How do you know that 4x8 tenths = 4.8? I can see you have used your basic facts but can you provide some evidence as to how it equals 4.8?"

Monday, 4 May 2015

Reflection and Feedback

Part of the learning process involves thinking about how we are going with our learning - reflection. We reflect on whether we are learning, what we are learning and what is making us successful or not.

Sometimes we give feedback to one another on this. After receiving some feedback Kyle decided to change his learning video on Algorithms - he has improved it to make the message a bit clearer. Well done Kyle. Here is the new and improved "Algorithms 2.0".